Plan your holiday in COMET Himalayan Paradise community and make it an unforgettable experience

An ultimate second home & holiday destination

Cottages with natural, mystical, divine and adventurous environment

We Suggest You The Best Cottages Collection

  • Helping students from remote areas in their career development, based on their interest and skills.
  • Creating job opportunities for the villagers.
  • Opportunity for like-minded professionals to own a cottage near Himalayas.

  • We also help

    • HoAs to own a guest house in CHP community.
    • Corporates to own a guest house
    • Corporates to own remote work location setup.
    Please share your experience with us.

    Join us and make a difference

    We invite companies and condominium associations to become our partner and benefit from the following advantages
    • 15% discount in CHP community
    • Fully assisted, discounted and optimized tours to all prime locations of Uttarakhand.
    • 15% discount in CHP guesthouses, to be launched soon in some prime locations of Uttarakhand
    • Committed to helping explore various sustainable and environmentally friendly business plans in the Himalayan region

    Contact us if you have any queries:


    Benefits of CHP

    Opportunity to feel the divine spirituality and sacredness of various places in DevBhoomi Uttarakhand